Triclenz Hair Cleanser is a hair cleanser that is gentle on the hair yet effective in cleansing. That restores the moisture in the hair and makes the hair shiny. It helps attract the grease over the scalp and takes it off the surface, helping the follicles promote hair growth
Emolene Moisturizing Cream is for dry and scaly skin conditions. It can be used for dry feet, knees, elbows, and other dry skin conditions. That binds water to the skin, prevents moisture loss, and gently moisturizes and keeps the skin soft and supple.
Nestle Resource Hepatic rebalances protein-energy malnutrition that is common in liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases, and protein ensures that muscles and tissues are healthier and keeps the body working normally. It supports rapid improvement in liver function after surgery and promotes liver regeneration.
Organic India Liver-Kidney Care Capsules effectively support both the liver and the kidneys, as disorders of one affect the other. It helps treat all types of hepatitis A, B, C, and others. It regulates fat metabolism and the fatty liver. Link: