jayesh metal corporation
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Last online 11 months ago
Registered for 11+ months
B No, 110/112, 08/02/40, Dr. MG Mahimtura Marg, 11, 400004, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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JAYESH METAL CORPORATION is an ISO 9001:2000 certified Company manufacturing & exporting the finest quality Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Titanium and Alloy Steel, Pipes, Pipe Fittings, and flanges.
We supply these materials to various Industries in the Public and Private Sector, Government, and semi-government departments all over India. We export our material to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and South East Asia. We accept third-party inspections, from agencies like PDIL, Bax Councell, Fedo, Tata, Llyod’s, Pipecon, B.Mehtalia, Dalal Consultants, Development Consultants, and Uhde.
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